CorelDRAW is one of the easiest packages to get to know because of its simple interface.
At the top of the window lies the menu bar, where you'll find a variety of drop down menus.
The button bar is a new addition to the CorelDRAW interface. It allows you to access commonly-used functions, such as printing, at the touch of a button.
Rulers surround the work area or editing window. To the left of the work area, is where you'll find the tool bar.
Notice that some of the tools have what we call fly-outs. These fly-outs have additional options related to the selected tool.
The Pencil & Text tools provide a flyout only when the mouse button is held down on the tool.
Double-clicking on selected tools will call up related functions or roll-ups.
For example, double-clicking the rectangle tool creates a page frame.
Double-clicking the Pick tool selects all the objects on the page. The status line, located below the color palette, provides useful information on objects or actions.
Double-clicking the shape & text tools will call up their respective roll-ups.
The simplicity of CorelDRAW's interface can be attributed to Roll-Ups. Roll-Ups are persistent floating menus that can be moved anywhere in the work area, by dragging the Roll-Up's title bar.
They're called Roll-Ups because they can be rolled up... or down, by clicking the arrow at the top right hand corner.
Roll-Ups also come with their own control button, allowing you to organize them either individually by selecting "Arrange"... or globally by selecting "Arrange All".
This enables you to clean up all Roll-Ups in your work area with just one click of the mouse.